Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Trying to Re-energize ...

I can't believe how quickly 2007 has been zipping by. It has been an eventful seven months, that's for sure! I decided to post this photograph, mostly because the title -- Running on Empty -- seems to sum up how I felt during this last month. Thankfully I feel as if I am catching my breath again. If I haven't thanked my friends and loved ones enough for all your kind words and support while my mother was in the hospital, let me take this opportunity to tell you how much I love you all.

So now I am trying to get back into the swing of picture taking. I've been carrying my new point-and-shoot digital camera with me everywhere (sorry Sarah and Laurie, but it's a Canon!) and I have been having fun just photographing whatever strikes my fancy. I am thrilled with the new camera -- it's so much easier to schlep around than my SLRs for day-to-day picture taking.

In closing, I hope that you are having fun whatever you are doing today. Thanks for checking in!

P.S. If you live in Central Oregon, I hope that you will stop by Cross Creek Cafe in Redmond (507 SW 8th Street) to see my new group of photographs, taken in various locations throughout Oregon. The photos will be on display through the end of August.

1 comment:

Mia said...

Wow. As usual, your work is absolutely beautiful! You are a very talented woman.