Sunday, November 1, 2009

Moving ... Or, things I dislike doing

You R Here (c) by Tina M. Harris

As I sit here surrounded by box after box of our belongings, I find myself feeling excited but nervous about our upcoming move. It isn't as if we are moving across the country -- or even across the state (thankfully) -- but the prospect is making me feel unsettled. I mean, I like Bend and we have been talking for a couple years about moving there, but I absolutely, positively hate moving. I mean, I HATE moving. I cannot fathom how some people do it so easily or so often. If it weren't for the fact that certain financial realities sort of pushed us toward this decision, I would probably drag out the whole moving thing as long as possible. I would love nothing more that to find a place where I can settle and spend the rest of my life, never having to pack a box and move it from one house to another again. Still, I am excited about the prospect of living closer to the hiking trails, and movie theatres and library that we love so much.

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